Kari Tauring

080217kari_298The otherworldly sound of kulning and lokking, (cow calling vocals of the pre-Norwegian herding girls) and the Huldre (cow-tailed fairy women) waft over the fjords, across the sea to the heartland, where Minneapolis-based singer Kari Tauring lives.

Author of “The Runes: A Human Journey” (2007), Tauring’s performances draw on 20 years of research and experience. Using elements such as a Danish flint knife from 20,000 BC, a replica of a Scandinavian Bronze Age string skirt (2,000 BC), and runic letterforms from 20 BC to the Middle Ages, Tauring sings and tells stories from our deep Scandinavian tap root.

Her classically-trained voice and years of original songwriting combine to transport the listener away from the here and now: to Valhalla, entranced by a singing skald; outside the sauna, begging for help from the Lativan goddesses of childbirth; looking out from the side of a fjord where we soon must leave everything we know.

  • “Her shows educate as well as inspire” – David de Young,howwastheshow.com
  • “Tauring continues to offer the thoughtfulness and quality she is known
    for” – Murrday Fisher, All Music Guide

Learn more at KariTauring.com

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